Friday, August 6, 2010

Random Association Exercise

Situation/ Problem

To create "SCARY IMAGES or OBJECT" that will instill fear among people through out the ages.

Association :

1)Claws : Claws of the kitten is sharp.

In practice : It is as if the weapon (knife) which may harm people's life.

2)Teeth : Teeth is solid and sharp.

In practice : It is as if a rough and huge machine which can harm peoples' life if not careful in handing it. Makes people feel scary.

3)Smelly : Emitting a strong or unpleasant odor.

In practice : The smell of the dirty kitten makes people feel irritating and uneasy. Feeling of vomit and scary.

4)Violent : The caused by injurious or destructive force.

In practice :The violence from the scary kitten may harm the life of the human.

Thursday, August 5, 2010

Exploration on Juxtaposition; Analogy, Metaphor and Similes.

Exercise that have been done in class.

A very creative exercise which i enjoyed much throughout the class.