Friday, July 23, 2010



Love is spicy and hot,
It makes us cry once we get excited,
It also add extra tastes once we fall into it,
Just like what a chili tastes.


Ice-cream gives out coldness,
When the moment we eat it in a hurry,
We start to sense excruciating pain and sensitive towards our teeth,
Just as if the pain in our life,
Everything requires patient,
Once we missed it,

We are got to suffer the pain for the rest of our life.


Man can be defined as a mortar,
Mortar is strong enough no matter how hard the pestle knock on it,
Just as if the man is strong enough to protect a woman,
Mortar is big and able to function well,
Just as if the man is responsible in carried out a task,
Mortar is just like what a man should be.


The first moment i saw the word 'juxtaposition', it links me straight to something which is related to position.

When two compositional elements are placing side by side, we can see the contrast and similarity by comparing them. Under this situation, it is called juxtaposition. Juxtaposition enable us to change the meaning of certain elements automatically. Meanwhile, contrast is something paradox or the different shows between both the elements. For example, I am hungry, but I don't feel like eating anything.

little cafe/skyscrapers


color/black and white

Friday, July 16, 2010


This week, we were assigned to draw the things which link to mortar and pestle by the lecturer.

1) Sound

The pestle will be the drum stick and of course the drum, which is the mortar. Once they knock each other, sound exist. Can be used as musical instrument.

2) Food

The pestle will be the spoon and of course the bowl, which is the mortar. For eating purposes.

3) Entertainment

The pestle will be the stick to support the toy, which is the mortar. Turn the mortar which have been decorated in order to get yourself entertained.

Associated mind map

Divergent thinking - involved tearing a topic apart to explore its various component parts.
Convergent thinking - involves combining or joining different ideas together based on elements these ideas have in common.

Source :

From what i have learn this week during Mr. Radzibedu's class, associated mind map enables random words to relate with each others even though they have no connection at all. This leads to divergent thinking which means that brainstorming is acquired in order to think of something creative, yet it is still relevant to the topic given. Under associated mind map, one can think out of the box and think freely. For example, when we talk about bed, we will straight away think of a place for us to either sleep or dream. Instead, in associated thinking, maybe we can consider it as a place for us to work???

Friday, July 9, 2010

Logical mind map of my own

This week, task to create a mind map of our own is assigned by our lecturer during the class. Each of us is compulsory to draw a mind map of our own. First of all, i will put my picture in the middle of the page as the central subject which is the largest. From the central subject, there comes with sub titles. Each sub title will then lead to examples, details and more information about me.

My mind map

Examples of Mind Maps

Mind map

Risk management

Marketing strategy

Mind map template

Mind mapping

Source :

Logical Mind Map and Stereotype– Class Reflection

Mind mapping
a) introduced by Tony Buzan
b) tool for idea generation and brainstorming
c) able to generate new ideas
d) able to stimulate and create interest

source : lecture’s slide


By the way, what is stereotype???

A stereotype is a commonly held public belief about specific social groups or types of individuals. The concepts of "stereotype" and "prejudice" are often confused with many other different meanings. Stereotypes are standardized and simplified conceptions of groups based on some prior assumptions. Generally speaking, stereotypes are not based on objective truth but rather subjective and sometimes unverifiable content-matter.

Source :

From the lesson that I have learn, logical mind map is a diagram which all the things are link together and connect to stereotype directly in order to let us understand more on certain issues in a short period of time. Besides, it also helps to generate and expand new ideas. By looking through a mind map, it does help us to remember and think back on certain things easily just either depend on certain pictures or key words. It is time consuming and can be used particularly in taking notes or doing research.

Meanwhile, from my personal point of view, stereotype do affects peoples' mind by giving out either negative or positive impacts. Stereotype is a sign which brings out special meaning on certain things. For example, the fat and thin, the black and white and so on. It is easier for us to recognize the difference between the complexities of people with the existence of stereotype.

Furthermore, it is also to be said that an ideal mind map should be shaped like the roots of a tree, branching out from the center.

The pictures shows an example of an ideal mind map which is in TREE shaped.

Friday, July 2, 2010

Public Figure

Ludwig van Beethoven, a public figure of Germany. He was baptized on December 17th 1770 at Bonn. His father was a musician at the Court of Bonn, with a definite weakness for drink while his mother was always described as a gentle woman with a warm heart.

Beethoven was a gifted child in music. He took an interest in music at an early age and his father taught him day and night. On March 16th 1778, Beethoven gave his first know public performance at Cologne at the age of 7 1/2.

The musical and teaching talents of Beethoven’s father, Johann were limited. Soon Beethoven learned music from other musicians such as Gottlob Neefe and he found that how extraordinary talented that Beethoven was. As well as teaching him music, he made the works of philosophers, ancient and modem, known to Beethoven. In 1782 before the age of 12, Beethoven published his first work: 9 variations, in C Minor, for Piano, on a march of Ernst Christoph Dressler.

At the age of 17, Beethoven took off to Vienna, in 1787, to further his musical education. The first visit to Vienna was short. A letter called Beethoven back to Bonn: his mother was dying. Five years later he finally moved to Vienna to live and work.

Beethoven made numerous acquaintances at Vienna. Those peoples who are in the musical and aristocratic world admired the young composer. He has early in life discovered that his hearing wasn't what it should be, and the disorder gets worse as time goes by. In 1801 he confessed to his friends at Bonn his worry of becoming deaf. But he never commit suicide, rather, knowing that his handicap was getting worse and worse, he threw himself into his greatest works: exceptional sonatas for piano (notably The Storm, opus 31), the second and the third symphonies- The Eroica - and of course many more.

In 1826, Beethoven caught cold coming back from his brother's place, with whom he had rowed again. The illness complicated other health problems from which Beethoven had suffered all his life. He passed away encircled by his closest friends on March 26th 1827, just as a storm broke out. The funeral rites took place at the church of the Holy Trinity.

source :

His famous quote :
“What you are, you are by accident of birth; what I am, I am by myself. There are and will be a thousand princes; there is only one Beethoven.”

source :

Examples of Novelty, Innovation and Invention

Kisho Kurokawa ,
The Nakagin Capsule Tower.

Tokyo, Japan.

The Nakagin Capsule Tower is a futuristic tower in Japan and was the first capsule architecture design. The Capsule Tower realizes the ideas of metabolism, exchangeability, recycleablity as the prototype of sustainable architecture.

The Nakagin Tower is located in the Ginza area of Tokyo; the Nagakin Capsule Tower was originally designed as a Capsule Hotel to provide economical housing for businessmen working late in central Tokyo.

It 14-story high Tower with 140 capsules stacked at angles around a central cores and the units are detachable and replaceable.

Let's go through some pictures about the interior design of this building.


source :

Nice right?It is also a brand new experience as if we are staying inside a rocket.

Novelty, Creativity, Innovation and Invention: Class Reflection

As from what have been stated through the lecture's slide :

Novelty is :

~ the quality of being new.
a) subjective novelty - a perception of something as being new by an individual person or a group of persons
b) objective novelty - something that is new for all humanity in its development through ages.

Creativity is :

~the process of generating something new that has value.

Innovation is :

~the process of making improvements by introducing something new, the realization of a creative idea in a social context.

Invention is :

~creating new ideas by using the knowledge existed.

From my personal point of view :

Novelty is something new or unique. It draws the curiosity of the public towards something they are not familiar instead of newness.

Creativity is a process which utilizes the ability of being creative to produce new idea or concept.

Innovation is the introduction of new things or methods.

Invention is the act or process of create something out.

Reminder : Creativity ≠ Innovation