Friday, June 18, 2010

Introduction to Creative Studies : Class Reflection

Creative Studies??? As one of the student from the faculty of creative multimedia, this is a new subject which is compulsory for every students. We are required to open a new blog as for our individual assignment. I have attended the very first lesson, and i have been taught on how to be a creative person and what a person need to possess in order to be creative. Ideas which are creative can be created in many and alternative ways. It is not necessary to be created out on a piece of paper, building, or clothes. It can be either created out by movement or in spoken words. Just like what our lecturer, Mr. Yap Sau Bin says, a design which deserves creativity, is just like "something different to say, different way of saying it."

Does this consider as creative???
One of the work done by me during my foundation.

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