Friday, July 23, 2010



Love is spicy and hot,
It makes us cry once we get excited,
It also add extra tastes once we fall into it,
Just like what a chili tastes.


Ice-cream gives out coldness,
When the moment we eat it in a hurry,
We start to sense excruciating pain and sensitive towards our teeth,
Just as if the pain in our life,
Everything requires patient,
Once we missed it,

We are got to suffer the pain for the rest of our life.


Man can be defined as a mortar,
Mortar is strong enough no matter how hard the pestle knock on it,
Just as if the man is strong enough to protect a woman,
Mortar is big and able to function well,
Just as if the man is responsible in carried out a task,
Mortar is just like what a man should be.

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